Microsoft Word only: Use the default key combinations in Word, which should be as follows: Click here for some additional info on the US International Keyboard layout from the Language Center at SUNY CortlandĢ.You need the RAlt key (or Ctrl + Alt) to type ß: RAlt + s = ß.Instead of using the right hand "Alt" key, you can also type "Ctrl" + "Alt": RAlt + q = ä RAlt + p = ö RAlt + y = ü. Perhaps slightly less intuitive, but easier, are the following key combinations using the "Alt" key to the right of the space bar (sometimes called "RAlt or "AltGr").

Note that when you actually want to type a quotation mark, you have to type the quotation mark followed by the space bar to make it appear.

Nothing will appear on your screen when you type the quotation mark once you type the a, o or u, the umlauted ä, ö or ü will appear. To type umlaute using the US International Keyboard layout, type a quotation mark (") and then the letter over which you would like the umlaut to appear, i.e. Works just like previous versions after you add it.Click to add it to your language bar (should be in system tray)

Click on that and then scroll down the list until you see United States International. Now you will see an option to ADD a KEYBOARD. Click on it and a button labeled OPTIONS will appear.
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK), "CTRL + A") įrame.getRootPane().getActionMap().put("CTRL + A", updateCol()) įtPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 100)) įtDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.Umlaute und "ß" auf amerikanischen ComputernĬlick here to see how to type the "€" symbol for the Euro Mac Private JLabel label = new JLabel("Text shall change with shortcut") įrame.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put( Should be start point with moving the focus to JFrames ContentPane (can be used as JPanel, but has BorderLayout in compare with plain JPanel - FlowLayout) You can to conjuring with JLabel, nothing happends for KeyEvents SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control typed Ä"), JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW) The idea is to register a keyboard action: import But the key event for the german umlaut key Ä is: on frame0 How do I define a keyboard shortcut for top level special keys like german umlaut key Ä? I found a way to map unicode letters that are used for default american layout keys, see here.